Saturday, April 30, 2011


HI! I have not blogged in a long time. We have been very busy and when I have had the time to sit down I was too tired to blog! : ( I hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday. As most of you probably know by now, we had some terrible weather here in Alabama on Wednesday. I had to go to the doctor that day so Caleb and I were on the road most of the day and God truly protected us in a mighty way. We made it home fine and our home and homes around us were not even touched at all. Families that lived twenty minutes from us were hit and it has been devastating. A family from our church lost their home. They were very blessed to be able to retrieve several of their things but their house is not liveable. We went and helped them yesterday and I could not believe me eyes. The pictures and even the videos do not do justice until you see it with your own eyes and then you realize just how powerful these tornadoes are. There are so many people hurting in out state but it has been incrediable to see how everyone has stepped up and is helping out. I have been reminded over the last couple of days that we serve a God that is BIGGER and STRONGER than anything we will ever face and that NOTHING catches him my surprise!
Please continue to pray for our state so many are without their homes and cars and it is hard to even know where to begin.

On a happier note, hope you all had a wonderful Easter. Caleb and I had a great frist Easter as husband and wife. We were able to spend it with family and friends that we dearly love. We had gorgeous weather here and we spent most of the day outside! We even recieved an Easter basket from my parents! Yay for Cadbury Eggs!
Here is a pic of our first Easter.

Today Caleb, my sister in love, and I did our first 5K! We were sooo excited and proud of ourselves. My sis in love and I did it in 32 minutes and Caleb did it in 28. We are doing another one in a couple of weeks and we are planning on improving our time. I absolutely loved it and had so much fun. Look forward to sharing with you our next time!

We pray each of you have a wonderful Saturday and a great Sunday!
Abundant Blessings, Kayla


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Vacation to the Smokies"

Hope everyone is having a WONDERFUL day! Caleb and I are on our way home from a great trip to the Smokey Mountains with Caleb's family. We left on Friday and we just relaxed, shopped, ate, and enjoyed each others company. We had perfect weather! On Saturday it was in the 80's! It was so nice to get away for a couple of days. I love my sweet "in loves" and it was fun getting to vacation with them once again. Hope to post pictures of the trip in the next couple of days.
One of the many things that God has been teaching me lately(again) is IT's NOT ABOUT ME! I definitely have to remind myself of this everyday and most of the time several times a day. It is so easy to get caught up in our own schedule and then get upset if it does not play out the way we thought it would. God's plan is ALWAYS better than mine so I am learning to just step out of the way and let him do what he does best! God is SO good to us! I am thankful for each breath that he always me to take. May I be a witness for him on the days that I have left on this earth. I don't ever want to get caught up in my schedule and miss opportunities to tell people about the One True God that loves us unconditionally. May I always be willing to plant the seed and then trust God to do the rest.

Hope each of you have a Terrific Tuesday! Be a blessing to someone today!
Abundant Blessings, Kayla

Monday, April 4, 2011

"Rain,rain go away"

Hope everyone I'd having a wonderful Monday! It has been rainy and very stormy here today! I am definitely ready for some warm, sunny days! I haven't blogged in a while abs I'm behind but I will update soon. Caleb and I have a busy week ahead. On Friday we are leaving with Caleb's family to go to the mountains and we are looking forward to getting away! We will have to post pictures from our trip!
I will blog later this week when I have more time! Hope you gave a Terrific Tuesday!
Abundant blessings, Kayla