Friday, May 27, 2011

"Summer Time"

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week! I have not been able to blog in a while, but I am back! I am sure everyone is excited these days with school finishing up and summer beginning. I know I am !! This will be the very first summer since high school that I have not had school or something major going on. Last summer I was in school and also planning a wedding which was fun but crazy! I am SO looking forward to days lounging my the pool, grilling out, the BEACH, watermelon, VBS, sweet time with my husband, and I could go on and on. I love the summer and cant wait to see what this summer has in store.
I am also VERY excited about celebrating my first anniversary with my WONDERFUL husband this summer. Last June was a wonderful and busy month but I am loving this June even more because I am LOVING being the wife to the most Godly, loving, caring, supportive, and precious husband in the whole entire world. I fall in love with Caleb more and more each day and I am humbled at the fact that God chose to graciously give him to ME! We will be celebrating at the beach and we are SO looking forward to our time away. It is hard to believe it has been a year but it has definately been the best year of my life. As I look back over the year I am amzed at how good God has been to us and how he has provided EVERYTHING we have needed each step of the way. We are SO blessed and grateful for how good God has been to us.
We are looking forward to a great Memorial Day weekend as I know all of you are as well. We will be celebrating by the pool with both of out families and then on Memorial Day we are running a 5K which we are super excited about. It is something we love to do together!
Hope each of you have a wonderful rest of the day and a GREAT weekend!
Abundant Blessings, Kayla

Saturday, April 30, 2011


HI! I have not blogged in a long time. We have been very busy and when I have had the time to sit down I was too tired to blog! : ( I hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday. As most of you probably know by now, we had some terrible weather here in Alabama on Wednesday. I had to go to the doctor that day so Caleb and I were on the road most of the day and God truly protected us in a mighty way. We made it home fine and our home and homes around us were not even touched at all. Families that lived twenty minutes from us were hit and it has been devastating. A family from our church lost their home. They were very blessed to be able to retrieve several of their things but their house is not liveable. We went and helped them yesterday and I could not believe me eyes. The pictures and even the videos do not do justice until you see it with your own eyes and then you realize just how powerful these tornadoes are. There are so many people hurting in out state but it has been incrediable to see how everyone has stepped up and is helping out. I have been reminded over the last couple of days that we serve a God that is BIGGER and STRONGER than anything we will ever face and that NOTHING catches him my surprise!
Please continue to pray for our state so many are without their homes and cars and it is hard to even know where to begin.

On a happier note, hope you all had a wonderful Easter. Caleb and I had a great frist Easter as husband and wife. We were able to spend it with family and friends that we dearly love. We had gorgeous weather here and we spent most of the day outside! We even recieved an Easter basket from my parents! Yay for Cadbury Eggs!
Here is a pic of our first Easter.

Today Caleb, my sister in love, and I did our first 5K! We were sooo excited and proud of ourselves. My sis in love and I did it in 32 minutes and Caleb did it in 28. We are doing another one in a couple of weeks and we are planning on improving our time. I absolutely loved it and had so much fun. Look forward to sharing with you our next time!

We pray each of you have a wonderful Saturday and a great Sunday!
Abundant Blessings, Kayla


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Vacation to the Smokies"

Hope everyone is having a WONDERFUL day! Caleb and I are on our way home from a great trip to the Smokey Mountains with Caleb's family. We left on Friday and we just relaxed, shopped, ate, and enjoyed each others company. We had perfect weather! On Saturday it was in the 80's! It was so nice to get away for a couple of days. I love my sweet "in loves" and it was fun getting to vacation with them once again. Hope to post pictures of the trip in the next couple of days.
One of the many things that God has been teaching me lately(again) is IT's NOT ABOUT ME! I definitely have to remind myself of this everyday and most of the time several times a day. It is so easy to get caught up in our own schedule and then get upset if it does not play out the way we thought it would. God's plan is ALWAYS better than mine so I am learning to just step out of the way and let him do what he does best! God is SO good to us! I am thankful for each breath that he always me to take. May I be a witness for him on the days that I have left on this earth. I don't ever want to get caught up in my schedule and miss opportunities to tell people about the One True God that loves us unconditionally. May I always be willing to plant the seed and then trust God to do the rest.

Hope each of you have a Terrific Tuesday! Be a blessing to someone today!
Abundant Blessings, Kayla

Monday, April 4, 2011

"Rain,rain go away"

Hope everyone I'd having a wonderful Monday! It has been rainy and very stormy here today! I am definitely ready for some warm, sunny days! I haven't blogged in a while abs I'm behind but I will update soon. Caleb and I have a busy week ahead. On Friday we are leaving with Caleb's family to go to the mountains and we are looking forward to getting away! We will have to post pictures from our trip!
I will blog later this week when I have more time! Hope you gave a Terrific Tuesday!
Abundant blessings, Kayla

Thursday, March 24, 2011

"My JOY comes from the Lord"

Hope everyone is having a great day! It is a little cooler here today but the sun is shining bright! I am loving this verse today: "The JOY of the Lord is my strength" Nehemiah 8 :10. On the days that I just can't go anymore or nothing seems to be going the way I though it would I remember this verse! God has given me far MORE than I will ever deserve and knowing that I will spend eternity with him brings pure JOY to my life! I pray this verse encourages you today as much as it has me!
Caleb was out of town Monday and Tuesday and everything went well! Praise the Lord! I was SO glad to have him back home. Yesterday we were able to spend the day together and it was very nice. We slept in(on a Wednesday!!!!), went to the gym, and just laid around and watched movies. We even got to ride to church together on a Wednesday which is a TREAT because Caleb always comes straight to church from work! We were so thankful for the day together. We are ready for the weekend though as I'm sure you are too! Friday is DATE NIGHT! yay Saturday we are keeping our sweet nephews and we cannot wait. Hopefully I will have lots of pictures to post.
Don't have much to post about today but I pray each of you have a wonderful rest of the day!
Abundant Blessings, Kayla

Monday, March 21, 2011

'Marvelous Monday"

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! The weather was beautiful here and we enjoyed it! Friday Caleb was off and we worked in our flower beds, trimmed our scrubs, and cut the grass. I love getting the house ready for Spring! It is so much fun! Friday afternoon we headed out to eat and then we did a little shopping to end a great day! On Saturday we worked some more outside and then that night Caleb's grandfather was inducted into the Sports Hall of Fame in our area. It was a great night with many men and women receiving this honor.
Yesterday was gorgeous as well! I don't think I could ever get enough of this beautiful Spring weather! After church we had a baby shower for one of my dear friends Tiffany! She will be welcoming her sweet baby girl into the world in April and Caleb and I cannot wait. We are SO excited for our precious friends!
Today I am subbing for my MIL for probably the last time in a while. Hopefully she will be able to come back tomorrow after her doctor's visit today! She is doing really well! I am looking forward to a fun and exciting week ahead! Hope you are too!
Make sure you get out and enjoy this wonderful weather!
Abundant Blessings, Kayla

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"Thankful Tuesday"

SORRY! I guess I got happy hitting buttons and accidently hit the "Publish Post" button! Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday! I have not blogged in a while but we have been busy and I have not had a good time to sit down and blog and when I did have time it was too pretty to be inside so I was outside enjoying the weather. Saturday it was BEAUTIFUL here so Caleb and I cleaned house and then headed to the park. We took Abby and she was beside her self. I think she enjoyed getting out and was so interested in all of the other dogs there. She ran and played the whole time and then was out of it on the way home. I love going to the park on a Spring day and having a picnic. I do not have too much to blog about today but I have been very thankful today for the country that we live in. Thinking about Japan and the people their just breaks my heart! I am praying for the precious people their. I cannot imagine trying to find out if all of my family is still alive! May the people of Japan have a peace only from God that passes ALL understanding!
Today I am also thankful for my medicine. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and I take IV infusions. It is rough and does not make me feel very well in the beginning but on days like today I am THANKFUL for those wonderful medicines! It is very rainy and dreary here today!
As silly as it may sound I am also thankful for KOOL- AIDE today! : ) I am trying to eat AND drink healthier! I absolutely LOVE Mountain Dew and think I have to have one everyday and sometimes multiple times a day so I am trying to drink more water and other things that might not be soooo bad. Kool- Aide is definately helping me get through the day today and not crave a Mountain Dew! :) I am loving this flavor right now!!!

I am thankful for the Bible Study we are doing at my church that I have previously talked about called "Jonah" by Priscilla Shirer. Yesterday in my study it talked about how God can hear us no matter how far away from him we seem we may be! God even heard Jonah in the belly of a fish!!!! How awesome is that! I grew up hearing the story of Jonah a lot but this Bible study has allowed me to see the story of Jonah in a whole new way, and for that I am grateful!
I am also thankful today to be able to sub in the schools just about every day of the week. My MIL had surgery about three weeks ago and is still not able to come back so I have been able to fill in for her which has been a blessing in itself, but I have also been able to sub in various schools around where we live. As bad as I want a job right now, I know that God has me where he wants me for such a time as this. I am confident in knowing that when it is time for me to have a job God will see fit that I am right where he wants me! I love teaching and being around kids! May I always remain TEACHABLE!

Last but definately not least I am thankful for the wonderful Husband that God has given me!

Caleb is FAR more than I could have ever imagined a husband being! He is my dream come true! He is the most genuine person I know and I can't believe that I get the privilage of being his wife each and everyday!

Monday, March 7, 2011

"Birthday Wishes"

Happy Monday! Hope everyone is having a great day! We had a great weekend celebrating my grandmothers birthday! She will be 73 tomorrow, so I wanted to go ahead and wish her a Happy Birthday! My mema is one of the most caring people I know. She is always doing something to help others whether it is cooking(which she does ALL the time), helping out a church, or visiting people, she stays BUSY! She is a wonderful woman of God and I am thankful to call her my grandmother!

Caleb and Kayla

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

"What I am Loving Wednesday"

Today I thought I would talk about some of the things that I am loving.

I am loving our Ladies Bible Study that we are doing at church by Priscilla Shirer. It is wonderful and if you ever get a chance to do it is worth the time for sure! It teaches about interruptions in our lives and viewing them as "Divine Interventions". One of the quotes that she says that I LOVE is "A life interrupted by a Holy God is a PRIVILEGE!"

I am also loving that it is getting warmer outside! Tomorrow when I clean house I cannot wait to put away all of my winter clothes and start getting out spring and summer clothes and FLIP FLOPS!

I am loving my sweet puppy, Abby!

She is full of energy and is so much fun! She will be 6 years old this year and it is hard too believe we have had her that long!

I am loving the sweet monogrammed ring Caleb got for me for Valentine's day! It looks very similar to this except he put my new initials on it! KGR I was soooo excited! I have wanted one for a long time and it means so much he took the time to pick it out all by him self! We had a wonderful first Valentine's as husband and wife!

Last but not least I am loving that I get to spend the entire day with this good looking man Friday!

I am definately blessed with the best looking husband in the whole wide world! On Friday, he is off and we are going to spend the whole day together! We are hoping it will be pretty for a picnic but if not we will enjoy whatever we do just because we will be together! SO thankful for my husband!

Hope each of you have a Wonderful Wednesday in the Lord!
Abundant Blessings, Kayla

Monday, February 28, 2011

"Dreary Day"

Today it is very stormy here! Lots of rain and very windy! I can't believe tomorrow will be March 1! This year so far has flown by! We had a great weekend which included helping with a Middle School Lock- In at church, our nephews birthday party and a cousins birthday party, dinner with my grandparents, and then a wonderful Sunday worshipping our Lord and Savior at our wonderful church. It was a very busy weekend which is being followed by a very busy week but we are enjoying it. We are learning that sometimes we are just going to have to say no to some things in order to make time for REST! I have a tendency to do SO much all at once and then over do it and it effects me physically ! So we are taking things one day at a time and realizing it is okay to say no sometimes! : ) Last night at our church we had a Solemn Assembly of prayer where we prayed for specific things like families, marriages, children, health, jobs, our community, our leaders, and our nation! It was an encouraging night of our church crying out to God!
Today I am subbing for my mother in love at the elementary school! She is still recovering from her surgery so please keep her in your prayers. I didn't get a chance to get online last week so I wanted to wish my mom a very Happy Birthday! She had a birthday last Wednesday and we celebrated Tuesday night! My mom is the best mom in the world and I am so thankful for her Godly example in my life.

I love you mom and I hope you had the BEST birthday ever!

I am so thankful today for my wonderful husband who works sooo hard each and everyday! He is the best and I am so blessed to be his wife! I love you Caleb!

Hope you have a wonderful Monday!
Abundant Blessings, Kayla

Thursday, February 24, 2011

6 years!

Hope everyone has had a fantastic week! I am sooo glad tomorrow is Friday! It has been a long but good week! Caleb and I have been very busy and we have a busy weekend so I am looking forward to a couple of nights at home next week with nothing to do. Today Caleb and I have been together for 6 years today! This has been the best 6 years of my life. Here are a couple of pictures of when Caleb and I first started dating.

It is hard to believe it has been 6 years but these have been the best 6 years of my life. Caleb is my dream come true and the best husband ever!
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! We will be celebrating our nephews 3rd birthday and also hanging out with the middle school at our church for a lock in!
Abundant Blessings, Kayla

Thursday, February 17, 2011

"Divine Interventions"

Hope everyone has has a wonderful week! We have. Caleb's mom had surgery this week so I would ask that you pray for a quick recovery for her. We started a Bible study tonight at our church on Jonah by Priscilla Shirer and I am so excited about it. I look forward to sharing with you about it. Tonight we learned that we should look at our life interruptions as divine interventions. We should count it a privilege that God we use us for such s special task! good stuff!!! Tomorrow is our sweet nephews, Carson and Connor's birthday. They will be three years old! We are taking them to a kids museum near our area on Saturday for part of their birthday and we are so excited! Uncle Caleb and Aunt Kayla love you both so much and hope you have a fun third birthday!!!!! We hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
Abundant Blessings, Kayla

Saturday, February 12, 2011

"Happy Birthday Caleb"

Wishing my wonderful husband a happy 23rd birthday! I am thanking God that 23 years ago today you were born! I love you more and more everyday and I cannot wait to celebrate many,many more birthdays with you! I am blessed beyond measure to be your wife! I hope you have a wonderful day!
I LOVE YOU, Your wife! : )

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I know we will! Loving the wonderful sunshine shining through my windows!

Abundant blessing, Kayla

"Happy Birthday Caleb"

Wishing my wonderful husband a happy 23rd birthday! I am thanking God that 23 years ago today you were born! I love you more and more everyday and I cannot wait to celebrate many,many more birthdays with you! I am blessed beyond measure to be your wife! I hope you have a wonderful day!
I LOVE YOU, Your wife! : )

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I know we will! Loving the wonderful sunshine shining through my windows!

Abundant blessing, Kayla

Monday, February 7, 2011

"Super Weekend"

I haven't posted lately but I pray everyone had a wonderful weekend! Caleb was off on Friday so we slept late, went to the gym, grocery shopped, played "Just Dance 2", and then ended a great day hanging with my family! I love when Caleb is off on Fridays! On Saturday we stayed home most of the day and then had a date night! On Sunday our church finished up "Family Month" and hundreds of couples renewed their vows and It was a sweet time. After church Caleb and I headed to "Connor's Steakhouse, then "Chocolate Crocodile"and the we went to a park and walked around! Last night we had Caleb's parents and brother, sis in law, and nephews over for the Super Bowl! We had a good time of hanging out and enjoying each others company! Today I am catching up on some things at home! Caleb's birthday is Saturday so we are looking forward to an exciting weekend ahead! Pray everyone has a wonderful week!
Abundant Blessings, Kayla

Friday, January 28, 2011

"Spring Fever"

Hope everyone has had a wonderful week! It has been beautiful weather here today! I even went and bought a Spring wreath to go on our front door and I am loving it! After today, I definately have Spring Fever!
Caleb and I are looking forward to a fun and relaxing weekend! Last night we spent some time with my parents, tonight we are visiting Caleb's parents, and tomm we are having a date night and I can't wait. It didn't seem like I could love Caleb anymore than on the day I said "I do" but as everyday passes I love him even more and I am so thankful for the Godly husband he is and the wonderful encourager he is to me! We are starting to plan our Anniversary trip and I cannot wait. It is SO hard to believe it has almost been a year. Where does the time go?
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and enjoy this wonderful weather!
Abundant Blessings, Kayla

Thursday, January 20, 2011

"Fun in the Snow and South Carolina"

Caleb and I have been very busy lately so I have not been able to blog but today I had some time and I wanted to share with you some of our pictures from playing the snow and also the college Winter retreat we went on with our church!

We also had a wonderful time in South Carolina! I did not take too many pictures because we were So busy having fun! We are so thankful we were able to go and hang out with some wonderful people! Bro Justin and Mrs. Mandy are the best and we love them SO much!
Here is just a quick snapshot we made one morning!
I am definately blessed with the sweetest husband in the whole entire world!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week! It is SO cold here today! Good day to stay inside and drink hot chocolate!!

Abundant Blessings, Kayla

Friday, January 14, 2011

"Winter Wonderland"

Hope everyone has had a wonderful week! We did! As most of you we got lots of snow on Sunday night, and all of the schools around here ended up getting out ALL week! Caleb was off Monday and Tuesday with me and it was SNOW much fun! On Monday we built a snowman, ate snowcream, went sledding, and had lots of hot chocolate! I took lots of picture and will try and upload them soon! My toes are still numb from being in the snow so much! It was so nice just to be able to stay home and inside and just hang out and watch movies! Love Snow days!
Today we are headed to South Carolina with the college for a Winter Retreat! Caleb and I LOVE going on this trip because we go to a huge cabin(more like a lodge) and stay for four days and have devotions, worship, food, and fun with friends! We are excited to see what God has in store for us this weekend! I'll post pictures when we return!
Happy Weekend!
Abundant Blessings, Kayla

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Hope everyone has had a wonderful week! I think it is almost setting in that I am officially out of school! I subbed some this week but I loved not really having a schedule! It was VERY nice! I love having all the clothes washed, dishes done, house clean, and supper on the table when my sweet husband gets home! It's wonderful to be able to have everything done and just enjoy hanging out with Caleb when he gets home! With that said, I still am VERY ready for a classroom of my own!
We are expecting lots of snow tonight so Caleb and I are watching movies and looking out the window every 5 minutes! ; ) We hope it snows lots! Hopefully I will be able to post lots of fun snow pictures this week. Pray you all have a wonderful week!
Abundant Blessings, Kayla